3.6.1 What is "spoofing", anyway? "Spoofing" is a web-browser term which means tricking a server into thinking your client (web browser) is not what it is, but is in fact some other client. Confused? Don't be. Essentially what it means is this: if you use Voyager on a site that checks to see what browser you are using and it won't let you in because you're not using Netscape or Internet Explorer, you can fool the server into thinking you *ARE* Netscape or Internet Explorer by "spoofing" it. The site will then treat you just like those omnipresent browsers. A word of warning though: if the site is testing to see if you are using Netscape or Internet Explorer, it may be because that site uses non-standard HTML (or Java or Java-Script) that Voyager doesn't support. If that's the case, you might not enjoy your stay on the site anyway. I'll repeat that: SPOOFING DOES NOT TURN VOYAGER INTO NETSCAPE. It just makes Voyager "look" like Netscape to the server machine.